Import Parts and Supplies

Import Parts and Supplies


Parts and Supplies are imported in the same way as Assets. Create a CSV using any of the importable fields listed for Parts and Supplies (see Data Import Overview for a list of importable fields).  For Parts and Supplies items add a Stock Location, Quantity on Hand, and Minimum Allowable Quantity to automate the Parts and Supplies module (see Getting Started with Parts and Supplies for more information about automation)

Example Parts and Supplies CSV


1. Select: Supplies - Parts and Supplies - Import


2. Select a file and click Continue


3. Define the field mappings by matching the header in your CSV file to the corresponding item from the drop down menu. The fields shown on the left are extracted from your file while the fields chosen through the drop downs are CMMS fields. Click on Continue when finished.


4. Select Import


5. Select Done

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