Zendu Maintenance User Guide
By Zenduit
Zendu Maintenance (ZenduMA) is a comprehensive fleet maintenance management tool designed to streamline and automate maintenance processes. It utilizes the data collected by telematic hardware, including vehicle fault codes, performance metrics, and DVIR, to automate the creation of maintenance work orders. This integration allows fleet managers and technicians to proactively address vehicle issues before they escalate into costly repairs or downtime. Through an intuitive interface, maintenance tasks are efficiently managed and tracked from initial identification through to resolution.
To manage and access Zendu Maintenance, you will need to first setup the Add-in on your MyGeotab™ account.
An add-in, also known as an add-on or plugin, refers to a software component that adds specific features or functionality to an existing application or program. It is designed to extend the capabilities of the host application and provide additional tools or services.
To add the Zendu Maintenance Add-in, follow these steps:
"name": "ZenduMaintenance",
"supportEmail": "support@zenduit.com",
"version": "1.0.2",
"items": [
"path": "",
"menuName": {
"en": "Zendu Maintenance",
"fr": "Zendu Maintenance"
"icon": "https://storage.googleapis.com/zenduit-icons/ZenduMaintenance.svg",
"menuId": "zenduitMenuLink"
"url": "https://bobo.zenduit.com/AddIn/ZenduBOBO/Install?addin=zenduma&nongeotabbilling=true",
"path": "zenduitMenuLink/",
"menuName": {
"en": "Zendu Maintenance",
"fr": "Zendu Maintenance"
"icon": "https://storage.googleapis.com/zenduit-icons/ZenduMaintenance.svg"
"url": "https://bobo.zenduit.com/AddIn/ZenduBOBO/Configure?addin=zenduma&nongeotabbilling=true",
"path": "zenduitMenuLink/",
"menuName": {
"en": "Manage Users & Vehicles",
"fr": "Manage Users & Vehicles"
"solutionId": "zenduMaintBOBO",
"isSigned": false
For additional information, please visit https://community.geotab.com/s/article/How-to-install-add-an-add-in-I-have-developed-into-a-MyGeotab-database?language=en_US
Now the Add-in should be installed and you can find the Zendu Maintenance application on the side menu bar on your MyGeotab™ account.
When selecting on the Zendu Maintenance add-in, there will be two options:
By selecting this option, you'll encounter a button displayed on the screen. Upon clicking it, you'll be directed to the Zendu Maintenance CMMS solution. You'll seamlessly access the system through Single Sign-On (SSO), automatically logged in.
By choosing this option, you'll encounter a dropdown menu presenting various actions. This will empower you to oversee your Zendu Maintenance account through the add-in. These actions include:
The displayed list will indicate users within your account who haven't been assigned a license/seat in Zendu Maintenance. If you wish to provide access to a user, simply tick the box next to their name and choose "Update" to apply the changes.
The provided list will display users who've been allocated a license/seat in Zendu Maintenance. Should you wish to withdraw a user's access, simply mark the checkbox beside their name and click "Update" to confirm the changes.
Just like with users, you can also include more vehicles here for synchronization from your telematics hardware and service provider to Zendu Maintenance. If you've already added all the vehicles, you'll receive the following prompt.
Similar to managing users, you can also delete specific devices and assets from your Zendu Maintenance account here. This list displays all currently active vehicles and assets in your account. To remove them, just select the asset and click "Update" to confirm the changes.
Notification users are not granted access to Zendu Maintenance but can be added for alerts and notifications as required. There are no limits to notification users.
If you have any questions or concerns, please use the "Support Request" action to submit your inquiries, and a service specialist will get in touch with you promptly.
Maintenance: Focuses on work orders and scheduled maintenance tasks.
Assets: Manages and tracks fleet assets and equipment across facilities.
Supplies: Oversees inventory management and parts required for maintenance.
Reports: Generates detailed reports for operational insight and decision-making.
Each module includes video tutorials to assist you in getting started and guiding you through the configuration of your Zendu Maintenance CMMS. Please consider reviewing the tutorials before reaching out to support, as most frequently asked questions are addressed in these videos.