ZenduMA General FAQ

ZenduMA General FAQ

General FAQs

What is Zendu Maintenance and how are its modules structured? 

Zendu Maintenance is a comprehensive fleet maintenance management tool designed to streamline and automate maintenance processes. It consists of four key modules: 

Maintenance: Focuses on work orders and scheduled maintenance tasks. 

Assets: Manages and tracks fleet assets and equipment across facilities. 

Supplies: Oversees inventory management and parts required for maintenance.

Reports: Generates detailed reports for operational insight and decision-making. 

How does Zendu Maintenance integrate with Geotab? 

The solution integrates directly with your MyGeotab™ platform, pulling real-time vehicle data such as fault codes and DVIR entries fed by the Geotab® GO Device. This integration facilitates the automatic generation of maintenance work orders, thereby eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring up-to-date vehicle health information. 

How does the Maintenance module function, and what are its key features? 

The Maintenance module manages and tracks all maintenance activities through work orders and scheduled maintenance. Work orders detail the summary of issues, work instructions, labor tasks, and meter readings. Scheduled maintenance is set based on specific triggers (i.e. Oil Change every 1000 miles) and can drive maintenance activities automatically. 

What is the functionality of the Assets module in Zendu Maintenance? 

The Assets module provides a detailed overview of all assets within a fleet, categorized by facility. It allows managers to view specific asset details such as name, location, serial number, maintenance history, warranty information, and more.

What does the Supplies module offer, and how does it enhance maintenance operations? 

The Supplies module is key for inventory control, allowing users to create and manage a list of parts and supplies needed for maintenance tasks. It helps keep track of inventory levels, minimum and maximum quantities, and location or storage details within a facility; aiding in efficient forecasting and procurement. 

How are reports generated in Zendu Maintenance, and what types of reports are available? 

The Reports module in Zendu Maintenance offers over 120+ "ready out-of-the-box" reports and the capability for more customized reports. These reports cover various aspects such as maintenance costs, asset utilization, and compliance adherence. Reports can be scheduled and run in formats like PDF, Excel, or CSV. 

How do I install Zendu Maintenance? 

Zendu Maintenance can be set up by following the detailed instructions in the Zendu Maintenance Setup Guide available on the Geotab Marketplace®. The guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating the solution with your MyGeotab platform and activating various features. 

What support options are available after installing Zendu Maintenance? 

After installation, ongoing technical support is provided to ensure smooth operation. Support includes assistance with setup, troubleshooting, and training of the solution to meet your fleet’s specific needs. 

How does Zendu Maintenance help with regulatory compliance?

The solution assists fleets in maintaining compliance with various regulatory requirements by streamlining maintenance - and keeping an audit log of all activities. This helps ensure that all maintenance operations are performed according to legal or organizational standards. 

Can Zendu Maintenance be customized for different fleet sizes and needs? 

Yes, Zendu Maintenance is scalable and can be customized to accommodate various fleet sizes and complexities. It offers flexible maintenance scheduling and task management features that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different fleets. 

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