ZenduONE Indoor - Setup MokoSmart Gateways & Beacons in Office

ZenduONE Indoor - Setup MokoSmart Gateways & Beacons in Office

  1. Locate the MK100 Gateways and MS M2 Beacons Provided

  • All Readers/Gateways and Beacons are labeled in accordance with the following Google Sheet

  1. Access Trax Backend

  • Proceed to this link

  • If the link had expired : Proceed to ZenduONE Admin→ Users → Database → ‘BLE Testing’.

  • Login.

Once you login, the following window is displayed.

  1. Connecting the Readers/Gateways

    1. View proposed gateway positioning maps , and locate plugs/outlets for each gateway. 

    2. Plug in a gateway and follow the instructions to set it up. (start with R1 and move along all the way to R11). 

    3. Very important that you take note where you placed which Reader/Gateway at what proposed location (as we will need that information in the following step)

  1. Update Custom Maps

    1. From the homepage (of that database) proceed to Admin → Custom Maps → Zenduit Floor 4 - Taj Test

You will be presented with the following page:

  1. At this stage, click on ‘ Place Readers ’.

  1. Move and Place the Readers/Gateways in accordance with the real physical location and placements of the Readers/Gateways.

  • Once the Readers/Gateways are active, they will appear as blue on the main map. If they appear as gray, they might not have been set up correctly. Unplug and Plug back in the Reader/Gateway. If that doesn't work, return to step 3 b. and repeat the steps, formatting and reinitializing the gateway. 

  1. Turn on Beacons

  1. Flip the Beacons

  2. Unscrew the back cover

  3. Remove the back cover

  4. Locate small black button 

  5. Hold small black button till red light flashes rapidly (you will see the red light flashing on the front of the beacon)

  6. Once you have seen the red flashing light, it means the beacon is on. Put the back cover on and seal the Beacon. 

  • The beacons have already been installed onto trax, therefore after turning it on, give it a  few minutes and it will automatically turn from gray to blue on the map. 

  1. Demo Product

  1. Return to the homepage. 

  2. Click on the Building Icon on the map.

  3. Click on the floor ‘Zenduit Floor 4 - Taj Testing’.

  4. Ensure that all the gateways and beacons are appearing as blue on the map and not gray. (You might have to give it some time as all the information properly loads correctly)

  5. Demo the product by moving the beacons and watching their locations update on Trax. (Each update will roughly take 60 seconds to complete as shown in prior testing)

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