ZenduCam Z6 Hardware Kit Quick Setup Guide

ZenduCam Z6 Hardware Kit Quick Setup Guide

ZenduCam Z6 Hardware Kit Quick Setup Guide

This type of installation should be performed by a qualified individual or professional only. Working with your vehicle’s power system can be dangerous to both you and your vehicle if you do not know what you are doing! If you have any doubts, please consult a professional.

Package Contents   ————————————————————————

Installation Steps   —————————————————————————

1. Insert SIM and SD Card

In case the camera is not pre-installed with an SD and SIM cards, please follow the following step to insert the SD and SIM cards. Using the specialty screwdriver supplied with the product, unscrew the safety screw that locks the tamper proof case of the SD card and SIM card on the side of the camera.

2. Mount the camera

Attach the mounting bracket to the camera, remove the 3M adhesive tape cover and mount the camera to the windscreen. The camera should be placed as high as possible on the driver side of the vehicle. Make sure the glass is clean and dry before attaching the 3M adhesive mount to the windshield.

WARNING: Do not install the product in a location where it can obstruct the drivers field of vision
*Refer to the user guide for detailed instructions on first time calibration and setting the camera positions

3. Insert Fuse Tap into Add-A-Fuse Kit

The hardwire kit includes an add-a-fuse that that includes a fuse tap. The fuse tap included is meant to be put in the “Fuse 1” position, while the fuse that you select from the fusebox goes into the “Fuse 2” position. (only if you are using a slot with an existing fuse). If you set them up with the wrong order, it will not feed power to the hardwire kit.
*Select a fuse that has Constant Power, connect it to a fuse port that always has power regardless whether the car is turned on or off (verify this during installation using a power meter))

4. Crimp the Add-a-Fuse Kit to Connect the Hardwiring Kit Cable Together

Using needle nose pliers (or a similar crimping tool), trim off some of the rubber tubing (if necessary) to expose some wiring on your hardwiring cable. Connect that cable into the other end of the add-a-fuse (metal tube), then crimp them down together to make the connection. Once the crimping is done, use some force to tug on the add-a-fuse and wire so that nothing is loose. If everything feels tight, then the crimp is correctly installed, and the connection is properly made.

5. Put the Add-a-Fuse Back into the Fuse Slot

Once everything is complete, the add-a-fuse simply needs to be put back into the slot that the fuse was taken out of. Open the vehicle fuse box and connect as follows: 

1. Red Color Wire – Constant Power, connect it to a fuse port that that always has power regardless whether the car is turned on or off (verify this during installation using a power meter) 
2. GND – Find a reliable iron port to connect affix the ground wire to the iron port. Please note the ground wire of your hardwiring kit does not need an add-a-fuse kit and only attaches to a metal ground bolt.

6. Connect the camera

The power cable connects to the round connector located on the side of the camera. After Power is connected, run the power cable along the headliner of the car along the APillar to the power source.
Run the power cable along the headliner of the car along the A-Pillar to the power source.

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