ZenduIT has partnered up with both Geotab and TMW Systems in order to provide a complete, easy-to-use integrated solution that interfaces with both platforms. With the Truckmate Add-in on Geotab Drive App, drivers are able to update their customized Truckmate pickup and delivery forms from within Geotab Drive. Status and form updates are immediately sent directly to TMW Truckmate software for dispatchers to view status and delivery confirmation. As a result dispatchers are able to quickly respond to changes in the field and improve customer service and provide more timely and accurate billing.

TruckMate is a robust comprehensive trucking industry oriented solution to manage billing, dispatching, maintenance, asset management, driver recruitment, and your company's information in one central system. It can be integrated and streamlined to work with other business systems using an open software development kit.


This document serves as the primary reference and guide for the implementation of  Truckmate with MyGeotab Add-In and Geotab Drive App. The implementation requires a level of understanding of Truckmate Server Setup on the Customer Internal Mobile Communication Server that is generally available through the Company’s IT who were/are involved in Truckmate Implementation/Server. The Truckmate Geotab Add-In can be fully self implemented by these resources through the approach defined in this guide. The intended audience for this document is the end customer and champion of the Truckmate Geotab Drive Application.


The following features are implemented in Truckmate Geotab application:

  1. Truckmate Add-in on Geotab Drive App - Drivers are able to complete Work Orders directly from the Geotab Drive App on their
  2. phones/tablets using the Truckmate Add-in.
  3. Freight Bill Status Update from Drive to TruckMate – Drivers complete Truckmate Forms on Geotab Drive Truckmate Add-in to update the
  4. Work Order status; updated status is reflected in TruckMate against Freight Bill and Trip ID.
  5. Driver Forward and Return Forms – Macro setup and dispatched from TruckMate are shown real to the Geotab Driver user in the format
  6. they were setup in Truckmate for forward and return forms. Return submission of these forms in Geotab Drive will then be reflected in
  7. TruckMate (i.e. Proof of Delivery, Notes, etc.).
  8. Driver Schedule - All stops are organized in order of their optimized sequence from Truckmate.
  9. Google Maps and Contact Call Shortcut - Each stop on a freight bill has a shortcut link to open google maps or call contact associated with a
  10. stop.
  11. Automatic Status Update- Freight bills status will be automatically updated based on Vehicles entering and exiting a geofence location.
  12. Geotab Data - Geotab HOS Availability and Logs Update
  13. Proof of Delivery- All POD files will be stored so this can be used by synergize for document management.
  14. Automatic Emails - Notification Email sent to customers sent when on route and on proof of delivery confirmation.
  15. Image Upload - Ability to take a picture which gets added to OSD notes page on freight bill in truckmate.
  16. Custom Forms (Future/Paid) - Fleet Manager can create custom forms as required.



  1. Customer will have a Truckmate Subject Matter Expert and/or IT Administrator who helped facilitate the implementation of Truckmate for
  2. the Company
  3. Understanding of Customer & Zenduit efforts as per this implementation guide
  4. Acceptance of Scope of Work & Implementation Process & Quote
  5. Payment of implementation price is required for Zenduit to begin work
  6. Zenduit would assist setup and show Customer how to add return macro fields (ie. Trailer). However, customers would be managing return
  7. form fields so in the future they may modify as required for their work flow processes.
  8. Remote access will be provided by customer to log files for troubleshooting through RDP
  1. Time required to complete work by Customer and/or Truckmate are not included in the aforementioned timeframes.
  2. Truckmate Setup Template - open


  1. Reseller/Sales/Primary Sponsor: This is the role of the individual/company that is responsible for leading the project. They will be responsible
  2. for initiating and coordinating roles and expectations for implementation as per this guide.
  1. Company Lead: Will need to communicate with their internal IT team to gather and pass details for Setup, Truckmate support, and their
  2. drivers who are using the app as per this implementation guide. The company’s IT team is responsible for filling in the server and API details
  3. in the boxes on the “General” page.
  1. Truckmate Support: Truckmate support can help with getting the answers relating to the functionality and modules that relate to Truckmate.
  2. Please see the “Truckmate” section of the general tab.
  1. ZenduIT: ZenduIT can help with communication, general problems and onboarding of the drivers using the Zenduit Truckmate App. Zenduit
  2. can help facilitate training on the app as required.


  1. Engage TMW Support/Sales to enable your mobile communication API If not already enabled. This allows Zenduit to communicate with Truckmate.
  2. GET Mobile Communication API Key (with wsdl and soap endpoints)
    (ie. AE-12CF-4354-B16D-1111ABBCC555}). Also available on Truckmate TierAdmin Application.
  3. GET Localhost Public IP or Domain Name of Truckmate API Server to Connect to Web Services http://localhost:8080/TruckMateWS (replace “localhost” with Public IP or Domain Name for Zenduit (whitelist: to access the Truckmate mobile communication server). Perform self assessment by Company IT to ensure their mobile communication can be accessed from web (route port, forwarding setup correctly) for later troubleshooting and support
  4. GET Truckmate DSN Name (ie. database name for your company)
  5. GET Truckmate Network ID (Truckmate API Identifier) and Schema. Add Geotab Account if not already configured and add respective details as shown below.

  1. Request Install of Zenduit Truckmate Add-IN and apply gathered credentials in “General Settings” tab of add-in.
  2. Test Connection to verify connection from Truckmate to Zenduit Service. Should the connection test fail, review step 3 and perform self assessment for access and confirm API credentials with Truckmate Support.


  1. Truckmate Marcos are forms that are typically set up by the Company IT during implementation. They represent the information that is to be present to the driver (forward/load offer) and information required back from the driver (return forms). These forms will drive status updates within Truckmate and are a crucial point for set up. For companies that have been using Truckmate Dispatching through another telematics provider they may decide which existing forms are necessary for their operations and recreate/copy from their existing provider to the “Geotab” tab within the Macro Definition tool. Please watch to this video on how to create macros in Truckmate (we recommend additional training around Macro Best Practices from TMW Truckmate directly for more comprehensive instructions for new implementations and refreshers).

  2. At a minimum macros with the status of arrship, depship, arrcons, depcons, complete are required. Each return macro must contain fields:
  3. Offered Freight Bill Number (13-Freight) and Trip Number (14-Trip) in the response. Please identify appropriate
  4. macros associated with these for set up.
  5. Customer to Create/Modify Truckmate Macros within the Truckmate Macro Definition Tool for standard status updates (ie. Pickup &
  6. Delivery Status Updates) Sync Macros in Truckmate Add-In (Macros)
  7. Verify all macros are loaded as shown
  8. Check macro fields for respective macros that will be used
  9. Setup meeting with Zenduit Project Manager to review Macros and define macros within General Settings


  1. On the Truckmate API Server setup the Mobile Communication statuses within Truckmate Tier Administration Tool Application once in the
  2. tool go to the “Coms+Setup” → “database” and right click on respective database to open mobile communication setup as shown below. Open
  3. mobile communications set-up window in the application and set-up statuses for relevant operations (see example below).
  4. Once your Macro Forms and Statuses are set up in the Truckmate Macro definition tool you can define the appropriate macros, statuses within “General Settings” of the Truckmate Add-In. See an example setup here. Driver Button submission allows for a quick status update from a driver on the app. Where you require driver to fill out a form (ie. delivery completed) you would select Driver Form instead of Driver Button.
  5. Note: Should the Company have multiple Truckmate Instances. Go to Macro Definition Tool and Select the appropriate company, account and select assigned macros as shown below.


Customer Setup with Truckmate Mobile Communication Device Manager:

  1. Setup each driver/power unit setup within Mobile Device Maintenance application within Truckmate. (Note you may label DeviceID with the same name as the Power Unit ID/Driver, if you are using two Telematics Providers you may wish to add a prefix to distinguish between the two when dispatching - ie. Device ID = “Geotab-72008”)
  2. In the Geotab Add-In go to general settings and setup configuration →  Note that Power Unit = Vehicle Centric, Driver = Driver Centric for your configuration. Go to the Communication Devices tab and Click Sync Devices.
  1. Select each device and define the appropriate Geotab/Telematics User/Vehicle with Truckmate Driver/Power Unit as shown.



  1. Go to “Users” in Truckmate Add-In and select the appropriate test driver
  2. Add Driver Mobile Phone number to send SMS to driver to Install App
  3. Driver will install app and login with their Geotab User Credentials
  4. Dispatch Truckmate Load Offer from Multi-Mode Dispatch to Power Unit/Driver
  5. Driver will see Load Offer and will update relevant forms to update status
  6. Each status and form update should be observed against the freight bill in Truckmate
  7. Review macros and refine as required and repeat testing

Driver App View: Trips → Work Order Map Preview → Work Macros



  1. For Testing within Truckmate see delivery of dispatch and message statuses through the Truckmate Application - Messaging Center

  2. Zenduit to Provide IT Admin Training on Truckmate Add-In Active Trips & Audi Module
  3. See General Driver Training Video on Truckmate App.
  4. See Checklist Below







Test API Connection using Truckmate Add-IN Helper to verify successfully connection


Macros, Users, Vehicles, Devices are Syncing to Zenduit Truckmate Service


Setup test Driver and send Load Offer Received to Driver App


Driver Status Updates from Driver App update Truckmate Statuses on Load Offer


Test Custom Status if Applicable to Status in Truckmate


Test Live Order tracking and POD Email if applicable


Test Driver Comments to OSD Notes


Complete setup of users and complete dispatcher and driver training


Scope of Work Outline

Company Name

Implementation Timeframe

2 weeks lead time and 2 weeks of development

Planned Go Live Date

Implementation Price

Customer IT Project Manager

Zenduit IT Project Manager

Project Sign Off











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