ZenduBUS (School) User Guide
By GoZen
ZenduBUS is a software application that equips school and shuttle administration (managers) with the ability to create Bus Routes - giving real-time notifications and updates on the bus location and arrival.

The ZenduBUS mobile app is a simple and effective way to deliver school bus data while increasing student safety.
How does it work?
The ZenduBUS application works by communicating with telematic hardware installed on the buses. The hardware will transmit real-time data of the bus activity/location along with various other information. This information will be gathered and relayed into the application for parents and passengers to easily digest.
The ZenduBUS solution has two services:
1. School
2. Shuttle
Depending on the service purchased, the experience and setup will vary.
Common questions and concerns that can be answered by ZenduBUS
● “I want to know when the bus is running late or canceled”
● “What time will the bus arrive at my stop?”
● “Is my child on the bus?”
● “Did my child get off the bus? If so, where?”
Why do schools and shuttles use ZenduBUS?
● “I want to reduce inquiries and calls regarding bus activity”
● “I want to monitor bus activity for safety and operational purposes”
● “I want to increase school and shuttle bus adoption by providing a positive and experience”
ZenduBUS Terminology
Traveller: This is the individual who will be on and off-boarding the school bus (i.e. Student)
Guardian: This is the individual who is responsible for the “Traveller” and will be monitoring the school bus and student activity via the ZenduBUS App.
Waypoint: Waypoints are specific points or locations set by a user to define a customized route that deviates from the automatically generated path. By adding waypoints, users can direct the navigation system to follow a particular course, bypass certain areas, or include specific destinations along the journey, providing greater control over the route taken.
Add-in Setup
To manage ZenduBUS routes and users, you will need to first setup the Add-in on your MyGeotab™ account.
What is an “Add-in”?
An add-in, also known as an add-on or plugin, refers to a software component that adds specific features or functionality to an existing application or program. It is designed to extend the capabilities of the host application and provide additional tools or services.
To add the ZenduBUS Add-in, follow these steps:
1. Login to your MyGeotab™ Account
2. Navigate to System > System Settings
3. Click the “Add-Ins” tab
4. Set Allow unverified Add-Ins to “Yes”
5. Click “+ Add-In”
6. Copy and paste the following into the text field under the Configuration tab

"name": "ZenBUS",
"supportEmail": "support@zenduit.com",
"version": "1.0.0",
"items": [
"url": "https://zendu-bus-eta.firebaseapp.com/assets/geotab-addin.html",
"path": "",
"menuName": {
"en": "ZenBUS",
"fr": "ZenBUS"
"icon": "https://storage.googleapis.com/zenduit-icons/BusETA.svg"
"isSigned": false
7. Click “OK” to add your add-in to the list
8. Click “Save” on the top left to finish the installation

For additional information, please visit the link below:
Now the Add-in should be installed and you can find the ZenduBUS application on the side menu bar on your MyGeotab™ account.
System Setup - School Service
For safety and security reasons, Travellers and Guardians must be registered to ZenduBUS by the school administration via the Admin portal. There is no option for individuals to self register. Only registered users setup by the school will be able to view the data on ZenduBUS. This means that the school must create the user accounts for both the Guardians and Travellers with the appropriate assigned pairing.
Please setup in the following order:
1. Route Configuration
2. Guardian Registration
3. Traveller Registration
Route Configuration
1. Navigate to the “Routes” tab.
2. Select “+ Add Routes”.
3. Populate the Route fields and click "Save".
This route has now been saved and can be assigned to Travelers. Alternatively, the routes can be configured and setup using APIs, Please contact GoZen Service for support.
Guardian Registration
Guardians can be added either individually or through Excel file import.
Importing Guardians via Excel
When adding many Guardians, it will be very tedious to individually enter the information. Therefore, for bulk adding we recommend selecting on the “Import” tab and downloading the Excel template. Once the template is downloaded, you can go ahead and populate the Excel sheet with the Guardian data and then upload the populated Excel file. This will allow the system to automatically create the Guardian users without hassle.
Adding Guardians Individually
For the addition of a single Guardian, select on “+ Add Guardian”, populate the fields and select “Add” to save.
Traveller Registration
Travellers can be added either individually or through Excel file import.
Importing Travelers via Excel
When adding many Travellers, it will be very tedious to individually enter the information. Therefore, for bulk adding we recommend selecting on the “Import” tab and downloading the Excel template. Once the template is downloaded, you can go ahead and populate the Excel sheet with the Traveller data and then upload the populated Excel file. This will allow the system to automatically create the Traveller users without hassle.
Adding Travellers Individually
For the addition of a single Traveller, select on “+ Add Traveller”, populate the fields and select “Add” to save. A traveller can only have one stop per route.