How to Install and/or Uninstall An Add-in Manually Into MyGeotab Database

How to Install and/or Uninstall An Add-in Manually Into MyGeotab Database

To install/add an add-in please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyGeotab
  2. Navigate to Administration > System > System Settings or new menu click System > Settings  
  3. Click the Add-Ins tab
  4. Set Allow unverified Add-Ins to Yes
  5. Click + Add-In
  6. Copy and paste your config file text into the textfield under the Configuration tab
  7. If you would like to host the add-in on MyGeotab, navigate tothe Files tab and either drag and drop or individually upload your add-in's files
  8. Click OK to add your add-in to the list
  9. Click Save to finish the installation

To uninstall/remove an add in please follow these steps

  1. Login to MyGeotab
  2. Navigate to Administration System System Settings or System > Settings
  3. Click the Add-Ins tab
  4. Click on the add-in you would like to remove
  5. Click Remove
  6. Click Yes on the confirmation popup
  7. Click Save to save the removal and wait for the green banner saying "Your changes have been saved." to show up:

If the add-in was installed from the Geotab Marketplace, it can also be uninstalled by finding the add-in in the marketplace and clicking Uninstall Now in the top right corner

Note: You must have access to Change system settings and Administer Add-ins in your user security clearance in order to complete these steps. If you do not, you will not be able to access the necessary pages.

Examples of add-ins :

  1. How to access the Bulk Edit add-in
  2. Use this path to install "ELD Information" Add-In to database.

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