This procedure demonstrates how to create a work order. It goes through the various tabs and describes what they do, and how to use them. A work order should contain assets, tasks, parts and supplies if needed, date and time logs, and the assigned personnel.
Note: It is important to remember to save your work as you navigate between tabs when creating a work order
Create a New Work Order
1. Navigate to Maintenance, Work Orders and click New
2. Select the site for the work order.
General Tab
3. Once the site is selected you will be met with the Work Order Administration page. It is from here that you begin to populate your information.
Completion Tab
4. The Completion tab is where your technician can add any comments about the work they carried out. There is also a field for the admin to add their comments.
Labor Tasks Tab
5. The next step is to enter your labor tasks. This is done by selecting the Labor Tasks tab. You will notice there will be an existing field <enter task description>. This will appear in every work order you create as the work order needs at least one task in order to function properly as a work order. This does not need to be updated if you can describe what work needs to be carried out in the 'Summary of Issue' field.
To edit the exiting task, click on the task.
6. Enter the task details including the Description , Assigned to User , Time Estimate, Task Type, and click OK
7. To add further tasks, click N ew, enter the task details, and click OK
8. You may notice how I did not assign tasks two and three to any user. This was done to demonstrate how you can mass update tasks. This method is extremely useful when you have a task list with a large number of tasks.
To mass update, select the tasks on the left hand side, and click Update Checked
9. Clicking Update Checked, will bring up the following pop up box. From here assign the tasks to a user by choosing them from the 'Assigned to User' dropdown menu, and click OK
10. The technicians are now assigned to the tasks.
Parts Tab
11. The parts tab is where you can add, and track parts used in the work order. This can be used in two ways:
In this example we will demonstrate adding parts prior to the work order being carried out.
12 . To add parts, click the Parts tab and New .
13. Clicking New will show the following popup box. This is where you will select the parts you want to add. In this instance we are adding the part prior to the job being completed so we will only add a suggested quantity. When the technician completes the job, they will fill in the actual quantity used. Click OK when complete.
14. The parts and suggested quantity will now be displayed for the technician to see.
15. The process is the same for a technician adding parts as they work.
Meter Readings Tab
Meter Readings can be added in two ways through a work order. One way being through a meter reading labor task, and the other by adding one through the meter reading tab.
16. To add meter readings you simply switch into the Meter Readings tab, and click New .
17. Clicking New will bring up the following pop up box. It is here you will add your reading and the unit. The units are customizable so you can add reading units specific to your company's needs. You simply enter the reading, choose your units, click OK, and the reading will be saved.
A word of caution when it comes to adding meter readings, it is important to be certain you are adding the correct reading as any reading that triggers a work order through a scheduled maintenance cannot be deleted. If the reading is going to generate a meter reading you will be warned of this, and prompted to check your reading before adding.
Misc Costs Page
18. The Miscellaneous Cost Page is where you can add any unplanned expenses that arose during the work order. Like the parts tab this can be added prior to the work taking place, using a suggested quantity & price. Alternatively, the technician can add this information if and when it is needed. As with other tabs these costs are added by clicking New, and filling in the necessary details in the pop-up box that appears.
This information will then be displayed in the Misc Cost Page tab.
Associating businesses with a work order gives users the ability to add, and attach vendor information to the work order.
19. To add a business, select New
20. Select the Business , and Business Type from the dropdown menu. Select Display as primary business to have the business appear at the top of the work order.
Notifications Tab
21. Moving on to the Notifications tab . This is where you will find what users will receive email notifications relating to the work order. With the feature 'Add Requestor to Notifications on Work Requests' enabled, the user who creates the work order in this case Joseph, will also be added to the notifications for the work order. You can add as many users to the notifications tab as you please, and in turn you can remove any user from the notifications tab. The notification each user receives can be tailored to them specifically by choosing from 1 of the 5 options available. The 5 options are:
Files Tab
22. The Files tab, as the name says holds files relating to the work order. These files can be uploaded prior to starting the work order, or can be added by the technician when completing the work order.
To add a file, simply navigate to the Files tab, select the file, and drag & drop the file into the box.
Work Log
23. The Work Log tab documents any changes that have been made to the work order. It is an extremely useful tool when a work order has been completed, as it documents everything carried out, from tasks being completed, to parts used and the costs involved.
Note: Always remember to save your work when switching between tabs on a work order!