Remote BLE Relay Control for Ignition Cut-off on ZenduOne

Remote BLE Relay Control for Ignition Cut-off on ZenduOne


The Remote BLE Relay Control feature in ZenduOne enables fleet managers to remotely control vehicle ignition using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. This feature offers an added layer of security, allowing authorized users to cut off the vehicle ignition remotely, thereby preventing unauthorized usage or enhancing asset security.

Key Benefits

  1. Enhanced Security: Provides remote control over vehicle ignition, helping prevent unauthorized access or theft.
  2. Quick Response: BLE technology allows for fast, responsive ignition control directly through ZenduOne.
  3. Improved Asset Management: Fleet managers can remotely ensure vehicles are only operated by authorized personnel.

Using Remote BLE Relay Control for Ignition Cut-off

Step 1: Accessing the Vehicle Control Panel

  1. Log in to ZenduOne with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Assets or Vehicles section on the dashboard.
  3. Select the specific asset or vehicle for which you want to enable remote relay control.

Step 2: Enabling Ignition Cut-off

  1. Within the vehicle’s detail page, locate the Remote BLE Relay Control section.
  2. Select the Ignition Cut-off option.
  3. Confirm the ignition cut-off by selecting Activate.
  4. The BLE relay control will remotely trigger the ignition cut-off, securing the vehicle.

Step 3: Restoring Ignition Control

  1. To restore ignition, access the same Remote BLE Relay Control section.
  2. Select Ignition Restore and confirm the action.
  3. The BLE relay control will re-enable the vehicle’s ignition, allowing it to be operated as usual.

Note: Only authorized users can activate or restore the ignition using the BLE relay control feature.


  1. How does BLE technology enhance ignition control?
  1. BLE technology allows for secure, short-range communication between the ZenduOne platform and the relay device, ensuring quick and secure ignition control.
  1. Does this feature require any additional hardware?
  1. Yes, the vehicle must be equipped with a compatible BLE relay device that can interface with ZenduOne for ignition control.
  1. Can ignition control be activated for all fleet vehicles?
  1. This depends on the installation of BLE relay devices in each vehicle. Only equipped vehicles can utilize this feature.
  1. Is the ignition cut-off permanent until restored manually?
  1. Yes, once the ignition is cut off, it remains disabled until an authorized user restores control through ZenduOne.
  1. Can ignition control be managed from mobile devices?
  1. Yes, ZenduOne’s mobile access allows authorized users to manage ignition control on-the-go through BLE.

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