Manual Firmware Update on ZenCAM Devices

Manual Firmware Update on ZenCAM Devices


Keeping your ZenCAM device firmware up to date ensures that the device operates with the latest features and improvements. This guide will walk you through the manual process of updating the firmware on ZenCAM devices.


Tools and Equipment Needed

  1. Cellphone/ Laptop.

Pre-Installation Checklist

  1. Ensure the ZenCAM device is powered on.
  2. Prepare a storage device if needed.
  3. Ensure the device maintains constant power during the firmware update.
  4. Obtain the latest firmware file by contacting the ServiceDesk team.
  5. Store the firmware file on cellphone/laptop.

Step-by-Step Installation Process 

Using a Cellphone/Laptop

  1. Power on the ZenCAM device.
  2. Wait for the WiFi icon light to glow.

  3. Check the camera WiFi on your cellphone (it should start with `ST-00`).
  4. Connect to the WiFi, which will be an open network with no internet access.
  5. Open the Chrome browser in mobile.
  6. Make sure Chrome is used as Desktop Mode.
  7. Enter the following credentials:
    1. Enter the username and password
    2. For the credential access  you would need to contact +1 (855) 936-3848 x 2
  8. Ensure the port is set to 9006.
  9. Click on Login.
  10. Download and save the firmware files on your cellphone.
  11. Click on Maintenance.
  12. Click on Upgrade.
  13. Check the Option Device Upgrade.
  14. Click on Browse File.
  15. Upload the firmware file.
  16. Click on Update.
  17. Wait for the device to update the firmware. The device may reboot multiple times during this process.
  18. The firmware update will complete in approximately 10-15 minutes.

Refernce Video for using Laptop

Refernce Video for using Cellphone

Post-Installation Validation & Testing 

Verify the firmware version on the camera.



Q: What should I do if the device does not power on? 

A: Double-check all power connections and ensure that the power supply is compatible with the device.


Q: Why does the camera's WiFi say "No Internet"? 

A: The camera’s WiFi is meant for local access only and does not provide internet connectivity.


Support and Contact Information 

For any further assistance, please contact our support team at

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