How to use the shapefile import tool in ZenduMaps ?
This article explains how to use the shapefile import tool in ZenduMaps.
This tool enables users to import zones and roads directly from files. There are different types of files that can be supported by this functionality, including shp, dbf, and pr, which are transformed into a single zip file.
The importation process is simple and uses drag and drop to upload files. The files can be obtained from third-party mapping software, but it is recommended to use the Arch-GIS integration that is supported by ZenduMaps.
Once the zip file is placed into the upload field, the following selections can be made. First, the “Zone Name” can be selected. For each shape, it is ideal to select the street name.
Next, the groups that the zones pertain to should be selected. This is simply for grouping them in geotab if needed (i.e you have different zones for winter and summer operations). Similar to this, the road class is a way to identify shapes. This is normally selected as the city or country that it pertains to.
The “Create route” checkbox can be checked to combine the uploaded shapes into one route that can be seen on the route compliance page. You can use a column from the file to name the routes, or create one big route and name it.
Once this is complete, hit “Import Zones” and it will upload.
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