Example: My Truck (Truck #52) got into an accident on the 26th of July 2017. Suspected between 12:00 am - 12:30 am
Here is how I can find the footage I need.
Step 1: Pick the vehicle related to the incident from the device list.
Step 2: Take note of when and where you think the incident happened ( Date, Time, Location).
Step 3: Investigate the incident using the breadcrumbs of the vehicle before requesting the video
You can access Map to see the breadcrumbs of the camera to narrow down the time range at which you think the incident occurred. Inspect when and where the vehicle stopped, broke a speed limit, or broke a rule etc.
Change the date range to suit your search
Hover over the breadcrumb to see the time and speed and date on the map
Narrowing down the location and the time of the accident helps you retrieve the correct footage faster and more efficiently.
Step 4: After narrowing down when you think the incident happened. This is how you can request more video footage. Click on Zenducam
Step 5: Click on the video download request.
Step 6: Fill in the details of the request
Step 7: Check on the status of your request by going to the audit.