Manual NVS and Media Error report

How to export manual NVS and Media error report from ZenduCam.


This will guide you step-by-step procedure to export the Error report file from ZenduCam for NVS and Media error.


  1. Login to ZenduMA.

  2. Click on the Admin tab.

  3. Click on Schedule report. 

  4. If there is no report created then click on Create report

  5. From the Report Type, drop-down menu select Error ( which will pull NVS and Media error for the company database ).

  6. Here Frequency is how many times you need the report. 

  7. Select the start date ( from which date you want to pull the NVS and Media error ).

  8.  Type the email address on which you want to receive the report. 
    Here you can multiple email addresses also. 

  9. Once you click on devices click on Select all ( if you want to check the whole database )
    If you want to check any specific vehicle then select that vehicle from the devices list. 

  10. The Drivers and Group should be by default selected and then click on Save.
  11. Once the report is created then you will see that report template under Admin schedule reports. 

  12. Now click on the report which you have created. 

  13. Click on send now. 
  14. You will receive the email with a detailed report in an excel sheet that will have all the errors for that particular database. 

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